How Innovating with AI Empowers People and Improves Customer Experience

Aaron Marks

Aaron Marks

Many organizations today view AI primarily as a tool for automating processes, enhancing efficiency, or even replacing human roles. This narrow perspective misses AI's broader, more powerful potential.

At Execo, we have a different take: AI should be used to enable people to work smarter, be more creative, and focus where it truly matters. We see AI as a partner that amplifies human capabilities, eliminates inefficiencies, and drives true innovation in how we deliver services.

By embedding AI thoughtfully and strategically, Execo is disrupting the status quo and positioning ourselves as a leader not just in managed services, but in empowering human potential across all industries we serve. Our journey into AI isn't just about automating tasks; it's about carefully weaving AI into the very fabric of our workflows to create synergy between human expertise and technological efficiency.

Throughout this article, we’ll explore real applications, which demonstrate that when a firm embraces AI holistically, it can transform internal processes, enhance client experiences, and redefine the boundaries of what's possible in service delivery.

Embedding AI to Empower People, Not Replace Them

AI's real power lies in its ability to be a process enabler. When thoughtfully implemented, it can alleviate the most cumbersome and time-consuming tasks from human shoulders, freeing people to focus on where their expertise and creativity add the most value. This is exactly the guiding principle behind Execo's AI initiatives.

Take our service delivery department, for example. Reporting, which was once a multi-hour, tedious exercise, has been revolutionized. By embedding AI-driven automation and sentiment analysis, we reduced the reporting time by an impressive 91.7%. What used to take a grueling six hours can now be achieved in just 30 minutes.

This change has been profound not only because of the time savings but also because it transformed the role of our service delivery professionals. Instead of being bogged down by data-heavy, repetitive tasks, they now focus on strategic elements that elevate our clients' experiences. Our VP of Service Delivery Quality has been freed from “spreadsheet jail” to spend her time on more impactful initiatives, such as optimizing service processes and driving improvements in the client journey. This shift represents the core of our philosophy: AI handles the grunt work, allowing our experts to be more innovative and focused on the bigger picture.

AI and the Art of Understanding Customers

One of our most exciting AI innovations is the application of sentiment analysis. Imagine a system that not only gathers customer feedback but understands the emotion behind it. At Execo, we use AI to perform sentiment analysis across large volumes of customer interactions, offering us insights that go beyond what simple metrics can provide.

Understanding if a customer's feedback leans positive, negative, or neutral allows us to take proactive action. More than just metrics, our AI pulls out the underlying insights, providing a nuanced understanding of how customers feel and allowing our teams to respond appropriately. This ensures our client interactions are driven by empathy and real understanding, enhancing our ability to serve our clients effectively and timely.

The Custom GPT Revolution: Making Creativity Seamless

Beyond operational efficiency, we’ve also embraced AI to support our marketing efforts. Enter Custom GPTs — AI models trained on Execo’s and our clients’ own voice and brand guidelines. These models have been a game-changer for our marketing delivery team, enabling them to brainstorm ideas, draft content, and quality-check materials while maintaining our unique brand personality.

Custom GPTs have become like an ever-present assistant, providing our marketing experts with a creative boost when needed. Our QA team has cut their editing time in half, thanks to these models. But the true magic of our approach isn't just about speeding up content creation; it’s about using AI to ensure every piece of communication speaks in a consistent voice that reflects our clients’ or our own brand.

To keep the human perspective at the forefront, our marketing team remains deeply involved in every stage of the content creation process. Human oversight is crucial for refining the tone, ensuring cultural relevance, and making nuanced decisions that only people can. This partnership between AI efficiency and human insight ensures our communication remains authentic, relatable, and perfectly aligned with our brand values.

Data Analysis Without the Headaches: Meet Dwight

AI’s value is also evident in how it helps us simplify complex, data-heavy processes. We’ve developed a tool we call Dwight, a custom AI that integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets. Dwight allows our teams to engage with data in an intuitive way, asking natural language questions and getting immediate, meaningful answers. No more wrestling with convoluted formulas or constructing complex pivot tables — Dwight makes data accessible to everyone, not just the data analysts.

Early versions of Dwight were far from perfect. In the initial stages, Dwight had a tendency to "hallucinate"—filling in gaps when it didn't have enough data, which sometimes led to incorrect outputs. But we adapted and iterated, providing Dwight access to BigQuery, a powerful data warehouse. With accurate, extensive data backing it up, Dwight's reliability improved, allowing our teams to confidently use it to derive insights and make informed decisions. This process of evolution reflects how we view AI at Execo: it is a partner that grows and improves alongside us.

Innovating with AI — Where It Matters Most

At Execo, AI adoption is always guided by one overarching principle: embedding AI where it matters and placing people where they count. We don’t believe in using AI for AI’s sake or implementing flashy tech to impress. Instead, we assess every opportunity through our "Right to Use AI" framework. This framework helps us determine if AI is the best approach for a particular challenge, ensuring that our implementations are effective and impactful.

This considered approach is evident in our loop-back process, a concept inspired by continuous learning. Whenever an AI project doesn't meet expectations, we take the time to analyze it—to understand why it didn’t succeed. Was the data insufficient? Were the instructions unclear? This evaluation allows us to adapt, refine, and move forward, ensuring that we learn from every experience. It’s this iterative and agile mindset that drives our innovation, allowing us to stay at the forefront of AI use in managed services.

Driving Client Value with AI

How does this all connect back to our clients? Simply put, every efficiency we gain, every process we innovate, is designed to create a better experience for the companies we serve. By leveraging AI, we have been able to enhance responsiveness, accuracy, and strategic insight, allowing us to deliver a consistently superior client experience.

Our service delivery professionals can dedicate more time to addressing client needs, customizing solutions, and proactively identifying opportunities. AI provides the precision and consistency needed to maintain the highest quality of service while our people provide the empathy, creativity, and strategic thinking that only humans can bring. This combination is where true innovation lives.

The end result? Our clients benefit from faster, more informed service delivery. Their experience is enhanced by timely insights, quicker response times, and a deeper understanding of their needs. They know they have a partner in Execo who not only uses cutting-edge technology but does so in a way that always puts their business goals and experience first.

A Human-Centered AI Future

AI is transforming the world, but too often it's seen only as a tool for automation or efficiency. At Execo, we understand that the future of managed services is about embedding AI in ways that deliver measurable value—what we call 'Return on AI'. Our focus is on using AI not to replace people, but to empower them. We leverage AI to eliminate inefficiencies, enhance creativity, and allow our experts to concentrate on what they do best: connecting with clients, understanding their needs, and providing tailored, innovative solutions.

We’re not just adopting AI; we’re thoughtfully embedding it to create a human-AI dream team. If you’re looking for a partner that understands how to harness AI to empower your team and deliver real, measurable results, whether it's in legal, sales, marketing, or beyond, Execo is here to help. Get in touch with us today to learn more.